Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Just when you think sci-fi has come up with a new concept...

Every good sci-fi show has at least one consciousness-swapping moment.  My personal favorite is when Cassandra and Rose and the tenth Doctor get all tangled up in that one episode with the cat nuns... yeah-- this has what to do with Jesus?

I was listening to most of the book of Mark today when I was stopped by the bit in chapter 14 where the girl pours nard over His head and everyone is ragging on her, basically because they can't see how Jesus is worth her extravagance.  He hushes them up and makes her eternally famous, but what stopped me was this:

"I need to realize there is no extravagance too great to lavish on Jesus.  Even when human wisdom tells me to be frugal, He approves of super-expensive displays of affection towards His person.  That's cool.

Oh, but wait, now He's saying His person won't always be here... so we won't always be able to do those kinds of things for Him.  So never mind.

Oh but wait!  Sci-fi!  He left, yeah, but He also downloaded His consciousness into several billion other bodies!  Which means..... I don't ever have to be afraid I'm 'spending too much' on the body of Christ."

So, while this does not give me license to spend all I want on myself, it does give me permission to ere on the side of being overly extravagant towards any of His current bodies.  Because He is always worth it.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Good food for thought, Honey. Thanks. :-)